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Register of Common Seal under Companies Act 2013 (Format)

The use of common seal at various places as approved and done is to be recorded in a register, it is called the register of common seal.

The companies are not mandatorily required to have a common seal as per the Companies Act, 2013 with the enactment of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015.

register of documents executed under common seal
However, if the articles of association of a company make it compulsory on the company to have a common seal or the members approve to have a common seal by amending the articles, the company has to maintain one.

The companies are required to maintain a Register wherein the details of the Document(s), where Common Seal was affixed, has to entered.

A template of such a Register of Common Seal is given hereunder:

Sl. No.
Date of affixing of the Seal
Name of Document
Date of board meeting - authorizing the use of common seal
Name of signing authorised person
Place where the document was sealed
