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CIN Corporate Identity Number FCRN, LLPIN, FLLPIN, GLN


CIN is the short form of "Corporate Identity Number".
GLN is the short form of "Global Location Number".
FCRN is the short form of "Foreign Company Registration Number".
LLPIN is the short form of "Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number".
FLLPIN is the short form of "Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number".

Meaning and Components of CIN

When a company gets registered in India, be it an Indian Company or a Foreign Company having a place of business in India, it is allotted with a unique code which consists of 21 alphanumeric characters. This is known as ‘Corporate Identity Number’, which in short is denoted as ‘CIN’.


(1) CIN of Reliance Industries Limited is L17110MH1973PLC019786.
(2) CIN of TATA Industries Limited is U44003MH1945PLC004403.

Constituents of 21 Alphanumeric CIN Code

1st Letter
The 1st letter is either ‘L’ or ‘U’, where L stands for Listed Companies, U stands for Unlisted Companies.
Next 5 Digits
The next 5 digits stand for the Industry Code of the Company. In India, it is known as ‘National Industrial Classification-2004’ (NIC-2004). Industry Codes are taken from the list in NIC-2004.
Next 2 Letters
The next 2 letters stand for the State Code of the Company i.e. the state wherein its registered office is situated.
Next 4 Digits
The next 4 digits stand for the ‘Incorporation Year’ of the Company. The year in which the company was registered under the company law of the country.
Next 3 Letters
The next 3 letters stand for the 'Type of the Company' i.e. Public Limited Company (PLC) or Private Limited Company (PTC). In case of a PTC which is a subsidiary of a Foreign Company, it's noted as FTC.
Last 6 Digits
The last 6 digits stand for the Registration Number allotted by the respective Registrar of Companies (ROC) under whose jurisdiction the company is registered.

How to find the CIN of a company?

Check Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) web portal to find out the CIN / FCRN / LLPIN / FLLPIN of a Company / LLP registered in India.
